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Truth for Such a Time as This

There is only ONE true teacher and doctrine, and that is the word of God, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, our advocate, instructs and teaches us when we are saved through the genuine repentance brought to the Father and laid at His feet. Don’t get caught up with false teachers and those that follow other humans and mans command above Gods. Meditating on the scriptures involves reading the word of God as much as you can and not letting distractions interfere. It’s not reciting one scripture over and over again. It’s truly indulging in the word of God and letting the word of God transform you through the workings of The Advocate from our TRUE Father. 

The more you read His word, the more you keep diving in, the more the Holy Spirit works, refines, and mends in ways no other can! We’ve got to stop believing the world with how it says you can’t understand the Bible without having a Bible study or someone explain it to you! That in itself is literal unbelief brought on by the enemy. God, Himself, tells us plainly and clearly that it is only through the wisdom of God that we will understand, and that is not the wisdom of this world or manly opinions. 

We have to be wise. We have to TEST all spirits as the Lord declares. We have to stand firm with the word of God and BELIEVE in God and what HE says. We don’t need a bunch of books, all we need is the Father, His Word, and to commit and contend! 🙏❤️🚨 Through God ALL things are possible and He’s made a way for us that no other could, can, or will ever be able to (no matter how hard others want so much to be God, they can’t.)

There is so much unfolding. But the Lord knew it was coming and He has already told us what’s next. Don’t forget what the Lord has already told us. Don’t doubt. Please take the time to be filled with the word of God. Jesus Christ is the answer and the way. The truth and life. It’s not just some book or fairy tale. This is real. Praying hard!! 🙏🙏❤️❤️

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” Luke 21:33 NASB 🙏❤️ May we all keep alert and pray for the strength to contend! 🙏🙏🙏

I don’t look at things like this world does. God has dominion over all. The Lord first started preparing me for this time mid last year. I’ve never felt the Holy Spirit as strong as I did when God led me to Daniel and then further. He literally prepared for such a time as this. He knew I’d need it and the true context behind His word. In seeking Him and His truth above what man has said, was truly a revelation upon these current times. It brought more light to the darkness. I just had to keep seeking Him. 

The enemy tried to halt me a couple of times, well more than a couple of times if I’m completely honest, but it’s only pointed me to the Father more and more and I refuse to let the flesh or other people reside over the words out of our Father. God has dominion and He’s shown me His power and might, His mercy and love, and so much more! Don’t give into the enemy as he tries to make you think God doesn’t have anything for you in His word. Those who are called will listen and those who keep the faith will be granted understanding. 🙏❤️

Today needs to be a day filled with praying in repentance and seeking the Lord! We have got to quit putting so much thought into thinking man can fix problems. Only one thing can help. Only one and it isn’t by materialistic and perishable means. PRAY! Pray! Pray first! Don’t let this world distract you from what God has said over and over again! 🤗🙏🙏🙏❤️ GODS WILL BE DONE 🙏🙏🙏

(And in the midst of a blame game, each person is accountable for that in which he partakes in. Adam, Eve, and the serpent are a huge reminder of that.)

A good Bible study to conclude:

1 Corinthians 10-11, 14

Hebrews 4-6

1 Peter 1-5

2 Peter 1-3

1 John 1-5

Jude 1

1 Corinthians 15-16

2 Corinthians 7

Psalm 78

Psalm 9

Psalm 50-51

Ecclesiastes 9

Habakkuk 1; Mark 1; John 21; Matthew 4; Micah 7; Hosea 5 & 7; Ezekiel 17 & 32; Ecclesiastes 9; Psalm 35; Isaiah 19 🙏

I pray that we all would contend to the fullest! 🙏❤️

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