May we watch what we expose ourselves to, knowing first and foremost to test everything back to the words of the Lord. 🙏
Warn and expose things when the Lord shows you something that is against His word. And take no part in it, separate yourselves from such, as He has called us to do. That doesn’t mean to not continuously expose the works of the darkness. We are to expose the works of the darkness, so that we and many others do not participate in such.
Don’t give the enemy a foothold into your life. It’s truly not worth it. It will bring us down quicker than you would think, as it did me years previous! The more the Lord teaches me, the more He moves me away from things that are not of Him. Even in recent times, I’ve had to remove myself from things and say “no” to things.
Test everything back to the words of the Lord. Stay in His word. Be on guard.
The Lord is faithful. I am so thankful for Him leading the steps of my life. 🙏❤️