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Obedience...A Touchy Topic

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Obedience leads to so much we could never imagine until we take place in what He has for us. God is so good, in ways this world cannot fathom. Why else do you think it tries so hard to tear down what God made and what he says? 

BUT God cannot be tore down..and He’s proven that time and time again. He does not sway or conform himself. He is set apart, strong and mighty, pure and holy. No one is like Him. 

Along with that, God has shown His faithfulness, His love, His GRACE, His MERCY, and His forgiveness, time and time and time AGAIN. 

One question I could ask myself and many others is, have we done that ourselves when things go wrong, when things go in other directions than we anticipated? (Okay, maybe that was more than one question, but still!)

So often, we seem to forget just how many times God has shown us GRACE and MERCY when we did NOT deserve it, BUT He chose to LOVE us and FORGIVE us anyways, when we humbly come to Him! 

Eeeek, did I just say humble ourselves?? That’s where they spirit of pride stops us dead in our tracks and has us saying something like, “what do I need to humble myself for?” (And many more other things I’m sure.) 

This leads me back to obedience. How? Well, that’s easy, when’s the last time you’ve put yourself last in front of what God is asking you to do? When is the last time you put aside the insecurities that linger and said, ENOUGH, and put those insecurities in the hands of the Lord and just DID IT? When was the last time you trusted God above yourself to just go a little further than letting the spirit of pride, spirit of confusion, and spirit of insecurity continuously keeping you chained? When’s the last time you chose to look past the hardest time of your life and said, it won’t hold you anymore and gave it to God and LET GOD?

Don’t stay bound by those chains! Let God be God! Let Him do HIS work. Release that need to control the outcome or even the journey in the process of God working on the most amazing outcome! Keep pressing on! Don’t let the enemy steal what’s to come! Stand firm and stay in His Word! Keep His works and promises firm within your heart and mind, so when the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, that with the Power of Jesus Christ-may dismantle the enemies plans! 

God’s plans are NEVER to harm us. Listen to Him. Listen to Him wisely. Listen to Him joyfully; knowing wholeheartedly, He has your best interests in mind and He knows what is in store for you. He also knows how to dismantle the enemy and the ONLY one who can do so! He will protect you from Him and sometimes in ways you don’t understand immediately. But take hold, He knows and you will too, in time. 🙏❤️


Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus to THANK YOU! I want to thank you for guiding me, correcting me, and leading me daily. Father, I seek you and pray that many will come to know you Lord, as you have made yourself known to me. Lord, I pray chains are broken, that have been placed on me and others by the enemy and his minions, being cast out, in the mighty name of Jesus! May no demon, principality, or any form of witchcraft harm us in Jesus name! May you protect us Father, In Jesus Name, so we may carry out your will and do it earnestly, I Pray, Amen & Hallelujah, Amen! 🙏

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