A failing marriage can be similar to a potentially deadly infection in the body; not in the sense that it can kill you. This is metaphorically speaking.
When you’re in a marriage, things can change so quickly and before long the whole marriage thing can sometimes start falling apart if you’re not careful. And ignoring any issue in a marriage can lead to negative consequences. Today’s time leads straight to divorce. I know that seems pretty blunt. Unfortunately, it’s true.
Now to explain the infection portion: it can start out as a scrape, but if ignored over time, it’ll fester and become an infection. You have the option to tend to it or literally do nothing and allow it to get bad overtime and potentially become deadly. Then you can choose to treat it or let yourself die.
This may sound harsh but in reality; it’s the truth. With a marriage, you can let your love and commitment literally die if it’s ignored. Don’t allow your marriage to become a figurative infection. Take care of one another. Love one another. Have compassion and forgiveness amongst one another. It’s truly a beautiful thing. And be sure to take notice to things because like a scrape, if gone unnoticed, it can fester and become an infection, your marriage and slowly start to die.
But don’t think all hope is gone. God wants us to have a loving marriage. He wants us to submit to one another wholeheartedly. He wants us to be forgiving to one another. He wants us to embrace the beautiful things in life.
I am so thankful for God opening my eyes to even things in my marriage that I myself am guilty of. We all make mistakes though. There’s not been one person in this world, except Christ, who hasn’t made mistakes. Thankfully because of Christ those mistakes can be forgiven and through him he can help us find peace. He can also help us to have hope on those rough and ragged days of married life. He can help us find love instead of anger by going to him. He can help us see the light, rather than the dark we all so often lean towards.
Even if you’re marriage has a slight ‘infection’ just remember, if caught, it can heal.