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Man will never be like the one true God.

This is not going to save the planet, at all 🤦🏼‍♀️ The lies mixed into this to create manipulation is wild. This is just insane 👀 [“Gates isn't just looking to cut future carbon emissions, he is also investing in direct air capture, an experimental process to remove existing CO2 from the atmosphere. Some companies are now using these giant fans to capture CO2 directly out of the air, Gates has become one of the world's largest funders of this kind of technology. But of all his green investments, Gates has spent the most time and money pursuing a breakthrough in nuclear energy -- arguing it's key to a zero carbon future. He says he's a big believer in wind and solar and thinks it can one day provide up to 80% of the country's electricity, but Gates insists unless we discover an effective way to store and ship wind and solar energy, nuclear power will likely have to do the rest. Energy from nuclear plants can be stored so it's available when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing.”] But keep reading, don’t stop there on the article. 🙄

God has already provided everything we need. We need to stop destroying it and then trying to remake it into your own invention. Man will never be like the one true God. 🙏

A common tactic of the enemy is to try and destroy what God has created in order to manipulate it, recreate it, and play a character he was never meant to play.

History repeats itself where it gets destroyed and/or ignored.

****To follow: And not only that, but then how they are trying to portray Gates as a savior and how it would be so horrible if he went “missing.” 👀

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