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Loving Rebuke

Friends, please don’t ignore this. I know there are many voices and/or opinions in your heads. Take some time to sit with the Lord, check out the true history and origins of this. Please know that this isn’t part of the Lords plans and is one of the things He warns us about. Don’t follow the latest trend yall! We are to follow the Father. 🙏

(I wanted to share with you all some history from sources I’ve came across and put them together. Each article is italicized with the sources also attached. Anything from me is in regular font. I pray this is helpful.)

“The Enneagram's Penetration into the Church

In recent years, the Enneagram has crept into the Christian church. This is even more startling than seeing it used in the secular world. Not only is it used and promoted by some Christians, but it is even defended as a tool based on biblical principles.

One Christian, Alice Fryling, who promotes and teaches the Enneagram, admits that the roots of the Enneagram and most of the material on it is not Christian, yet she advises people to do a lot of reading "about the Enneagram paradigm" to

discover their type. She considers the Enneagram to be a "very deep and complex system." This is hardly a recommendation since this describes all occult and New Age systems. Indeed, it is the complexity of such spiritualities that often makes them seductive. (Fryling has apparently removed her site from which I copied these quotes and the article seems to be no longer online. However to see some of her views on the Enneagram, go to Article-Fryling.pdf).

Fryling also claims that the Enneagram can "lead us to a self-awareness that brings us to our knees before the God of grace." However, from a Christian standpoint, it is only God's word that gives true self-awareness -- the awareness of man's essential sin nature and need for redemption, as well as convicting and shaping a Christian believer (credit for this point goes to Viola Larson of Naming the Grace Blogspot). It is God's word and the Holy Spirit that convict, teach, and correct man through God's truth (Psalm 119; John 16:8; James 2:9; 2 Timothy 3:16).

It should be noted that Fryling approvingly refers to Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar who runs the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At his conferences, Rohr promotes not only the Enneagram, but panentheism (God is in everything, i.e., the earth as God's "body"), Buddhism, and New Ager Marianne Williamson. Fryling's apparent admiration of Rohr is seriously unsettling.

Another well-known Christian advocate of the Enneagram, Suzanne Stabile, promotes Richard Rohr and has taught the Enneagram at his Conferences. She describes the Enneagram as "primarily a spiritual tool" (”

But that’s not all, “Focusing on the self easily leads to self-absorption. It is fine to know one's strengths and weaknesses, but the Enneagram is not needed for this, especially because 1) there is no objective basis for the Enneagram, and 2) the Enneagram claims to offer solutions via an "awakening" to the "True Self." Using the Enneagram to identify one's type too easily becomes a pathway to its prescribed solution.

Indeed, the Enneagram Institute points to the Gnostic and New Age belief of "our true identity as Spirit or Essence" and acknowledges the influence of the Kabbalah (

According to Palmer (the psychic), "The ultimate vocation of the Enneagram is to awaken the 'Inner Observer' in service to psychological wholeness, authentic spirituality and ultimately compassion for ourselves and each other" (

In contrast, Christians are being made whole and complete in Christ (Philippians 1:6; Colossians 2:10; 2 Timothy 3:17) through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.”

Keep reading in the article attached. More resources are available on the site shared.(

Undeniably, no matter how we try to say it or word it, we cannot deny facts. Enneagram does not have Christian origins, nor is it biblical. It completely goes against the word of God. There is NO denying that, no matter how much we may try and justify it. 🙏

Isaiah 1-12 ❤️ & many others. Please sit in the word, not with self and man. “Deny thyself.”

“Unfortunately, a book on the Enneagram by Richard Rohr, a self-admitted panentheist, entered the evangelical church after it was first introduced at Progressive Christian conferences. From there, it caught on with some conservative churches, pastors, and seminaries via speakers such as Christopher Heuertz whose books on the Enneagram have been published by Zondervan (including one dramatically titled The Sacred Enneagram). Other Christian books have come out as well, marketing the Enneagram as a "Christian" tool with spiritual benefits. Once the overall impression of the Enneagram being Christian caught on, false assumptions were made. It is partly a matter of marketing and belief in what is marketed that assures its success because no one is actually examining the facts.

Rohr has heretical views of Jesus Christ, making a distinction between Jesus and "the Cosmic Christ." This is yet another reason not to take the Enneagram on his word.

Despite there being not a shred of evidence for it, some supporting the Enneagram are trying to claim these so-called Christian origins. At the very least, this is misleading. There is nothing Christian about the Enneagram or its use. Its origins are pagan and its purpose as a personality assessment tool was at the hands of some dubious esoteric psychologists (see CANA article on the Enneagram GPS). That it may seem accurate can be explained by confirmation bias and other factors.

Millions of people also think their zodiac sign is spot on, so does that make zodiac signs credible? There is no objective basis for the Enneagram historically, as a personality assessment, or for being Christian.” ( )

“It was in an ancient text (a medieval grimoaire) about the Chaldean seal (enneagram) where I first came across this diagram which, for the Chaldeans was a magical figure..

The enormous appeal of this typology is the belief that one gains a guilt-free blueprint to the soul: “What’s wrong with me? Why do I always do this?” In response, the Enneagram comforts its believers with the teaching that we are not responsible for our behavior patterns. Having arrived in this place before the world inflicted its trauma upon us-we became determined at our respective points along the circle, perhaps as three- or four-year-olds. Trapped in this type, the personality has an excuse for everything, “Well, what did you expect-after all, I am a 3.“”(

🙏 We are called to deny ourselves, to break away from the world (not being consumed by the world), rejecting the fleshly desires and the enemies trickery. We are called to be set apart. Be careful ❤️

Judges, Jude, 1 John 1-5, 2 John, 3 John, Romans, Ephesians, Ecclesiastes, Hosea, Malachi, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hebrews, Matthew, Daniel, Revelation (& many more.) ❤️

Video on the origin: ( )

Please test all the spirits and check into these things. Do not be deceived just because someone says it’s okay.

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