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Let us be watchful and eagerly approaching the Lord and not the world.

The book of Job is such a good reminder on how we shouldn’t be looking at mans opinion and doctrines, letting that become our critic, but that we should be listening for God’s voice and looking to God’s definition of righteousness.

(Even those considered righteous at first, when dealt a hard hand, can fall prey to the enemy. And even we need reminders of the truths of our Father when the enemy wants to so much distort our views.)

Where are the bold ones willing to help their brothers and sisters see the truth when the voices of so many others, lacking wisdom and knowledge, create a fog and rebellion? (God in His majesty and protection, will reach out to us.) (Job 34-38)

We must find wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. When we let man form the opinion, we fall to the trap of hearing man over God. When doing so, we can end up creating our own idea of righteousness, therefore becoming “righteous in our own eyes” rather than God’s eyes. (Job 25-42)

Be careful brothers and sisters. Let us be watchful and eagerly approaching the Lord and not the world. Let us put on the armor of God, wrapping our minds, hearts, and souls in the words of the Lord (more than the voices of the world). Let us be filled with the spirit of truth and remember who our Lord IS. (Ephesians 1-6)

Arise 🙏 (Isaiah 1-13) (John 1-4)

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