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Know Your Enemy BUT Know God Better ❤️🙏

The enemy WILL come to attack, time and time again.

The enemy will come to attack and for a time it will seem as if he has succeeded.

Only for an appointed time will it seem as if he’s won.

To no avail, he will not succeed. He will always be destroyed, swept away, and meet his folly.

For it is written, God is faithful:

Things don’t always appear as they are.

We cannot see the bigger picture; especially when depending on worldly explanations and mindsets.

Do not let yourself become double-minded by trying to mix the world with God; trying to think God’s ways are anything like the ways of this world. They are totally different. The world is filled with manipulation and narcissism.

His ways are not that of the flesh. The flesh is sinful since the fall of man in the beginning.

Only denying the flesh, being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, dying in the flesh, being made new in the Holy Spirit.

**Surrender - Entirely/Fully: Repentance, salvation, deliverance, perseverance.**

Denying Satan’s legal right once and for all, one vessel at a time!

Rebuking the enemies plans.

Dismantling him in his tracks, now and forever!

Jesus Christ is King!

Dig deeper: Romans 8:5-7; Daniel 8-12

To God Be ALL The Glory!!

May the peace and grace of our Heavenly Father be upon you. 🙏❤️

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