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It Isn’t Cliche

I’d have to say this in indeed so true since I have decided to walk this path in my life. My Bible is something that if I don’t read into, I start feeling so foggy and just not here, but yet here.

I often wondered why I was so foggy in my thoughts at times or why my thoughts would spiral in constant whirlwinds. Or I’d be filled with sin and not even noticing it until it was too late at times.

Now I’m start to begin to realize just why that happened before. I wasn’t committed in the right way. I wasn’t there with God like I should have been. And I surely was not acting Christlike most of the time. I was filled with anger with many things, resentment towards things I couldn’t control, and a deep sadness for never being able to be the person I needed and knew I was to be. I felt like I could never “get a grip” of this thing called life that others seemed to breeze right through.

It wasn’t until I began this journey that I started to have a clearer mind, a cleaner mind, and a loving heart to even those that have the hardest of hearts.

Yes, I still struggle but I’m still learning; through God’s guidance and his Holy Word.

I used to think or feel everything seemed to sound so cliche with so much. Now, not so much. And why? Because I chose to believe and have faith this go around and be consistent, along with committed.

Why is that important? Because once I chose to take those steps, I got to recognize what I was once blind too and I knew I have a mighty warrior by my side to help me conquer every battle I’ve had laid at my side.

I can now also say Thank You to our God for the trials and traumas that were placed in my life. And again, another why.. because now, I can help others who were fallen and feel they cannot get up like I once did; and so many other things ahead.

I can say with full confidence that our God is a MIGHTY GOD and a tremendously GREAT one at that!! 🙏❤️


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