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If only…

If only we, as the church, would take the Lord at His Word. And may we repent for thinking there was another book (like the book of Enoch where Metatron is mentioned) and all the others that seek to confuse and manipulate the understanding of who God is. 🙏

Our loving Father gave us exactly what we need and when we allow ourselves to wander thinking there is another way (John 10 and many others outline that’s not so), we leave the doors wide open for the enemy to prowl. 😞

We tend to miss there was also two Enoch’s also in Genesis; one from Cain’s side and one from Seth’s. I remember when I noticed that, I was like WOAH! I easily missed that before. And I had never heard that before.

He is such a good good Father! He tells us exactly what we need to know about who He is. His Word is just so good! We do not need anything else.

It breaks my heart how easily these things can influence when we don’t seek His word diligently. But The Lord warns us of that, too. 🙏❤️

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