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Yesterday was just so good!

Full day of recess! CHECK

Playing with friends and meeting new! CHECK

Seeing old friends! CHECK


Days like yesterday used to be challenging for me to say the least. When I heard the park, I felt fear and anxiety. Fear of losing my kids, fear of not being patient enough, anxiety from it all.

If I knew then what I know now about our enemy, Shew! BUT GOD! Guys, we face a true enemy that seeks to destroy so much, even something as small as taking your kids to do things together and being a family!

Shoot, even meeting new people used to put such uneasiness on me. What do I say? What if I can’t carry on a conversation? What if..what if....WHAT IF!! Goodness it was a cycle! But GOD has shown me EVEN IF! And the only what if I needed to be worried about what what if I don’t do it? Not what if I do.. as a reminder and an encourager because God is who He says He is.

The atonement and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ made a way when there seemed like no way. God gave His only begotten Son to help us to overcome until we were met with our Heavenly Father again. Jesus was beaten and stricken, rejected, just as the prophets prophecied many years before He came. Although many times, these prophets prophecies get picked through and many parts ignored, it doesn’t stop the Word of our Heavenly Father. Ezekiel 36, Isaiah 53, and many others outline the prophecy and account for our true Messiah who died on the cross and ROSE again! His resurrection brought life from the grave and healing more profound than could of met the minds of many but changed the hearts of many!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness. I thank you for calling me to what I never seen possible before. Jesus thank you for seeing me, when all I seen was a cloud and dark. Jesus thank you for bringing forth a faith of the unseen and letting the Holy Spirit take over this flesh that was so lost and corrupt.

To God be all the glory!! Forever and ever, Amen!

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