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Go to Prayer

Tonight as I'm sitting here, I feel myself becoming overwhelmed by the things happening today. I have felt a little out of it, but not only that, I've felt as if I'm just equipped today to do just what I need to do. But at the same time, when it comes to some areas of today, I feel as if I have been fully equipped to do just that. I was a bit of a railroad track today; staying on track, but sometimes switching directions every so often.

I also found myself struggling with my youngest little man. One reason being is the little dude is not feeling well at all! You can see it all over his little face and it tears me too pieces. It seems like nothing I've done has been helpful for him, even cuddles. He tosses and turns even when watching a movie and trying to relax, or while up playing around. Normally the little dude is full speed, even when he is sick. I mean just before Christmas he was overtaken by the stomach bug, and yet he did NOT let that slow him down one bit. This time, he's slow moving, hard to soothe, and pretty cranky if I'm being honest. I've found myself in slight tears from it all because I just can't seem to make it better. I just pray his little body can find rest during his sickness while his body does it's thing. I cannot control everything, or FIX everything... Even if that means I cannot make everything better when my little dude is feeling so rough. I just need to give my worries to Christ and pray for healing and rest on my son during this hard time for him.

As a momma, it is almost impossible to not worry about our little ones. Sometimes, so easily, we find ourselves getting overwhelmed, anxious, sad, and helpless at times; especially when our babies get sick. That's why it's so great to have Christ with us. He is there for us during those exact moments, even when we are overwhelmed and tired mommies. He even tells many different times to come to him during those very times. Here are a few examples: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" from Matthew 11:28 and "Cast all of your anxiety on him because he cares for you" from 1 Peter 5:7.

Those are so crucial to remember in times of distress; especially as a mother, no matter the ages of her children. Although it IS in fact normal and okay to have such feelings and emotions come over the body, it is also important to remember to go to Christ during those times. I, myself, have to even remind myself to do just that. When we start to no longer allow circumstances to become our decision makers in our life and we give them over to Christ in prayer. He cares for us so much, that he will take those weary burdens away from us. I mean this is the one who sacrificed his life for each and every one of us. Once we give our concerns over to him, even our worries of not being able to help our little ones (which normally turns to guilt and sadness), he will give us REST and he will CARE FOR YOU. God even tells us that in his Word and we know his word to be true. It even says it in Proverbs 30:5 when it reads, "Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in him." If we get caught up in those circumstances and let them dictate our reactions or decisions, then that is showing us that we aren't trusting God at that moment. We have to trust in him.

Another verse comes to mind that is perfect to close this with from Philippians 4:6-7, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

I want to take a moment to personally thank God for taking me through a rough moment. When I started this, I was in tears. I knew I had Christ with me through Spirit holding me strong, but I still just hoped my son could find rest. I started writing as the silent thoughts and wavering prayers swept through my mind. And now at the end of this, I am just even more so thankful for his everlasting, unconditional love.


Thank you Lord for guiding me through scripture, peace, encouragement, and love. You never cease to amaze me! And you are always there to remind me that even though I am not capable of all, you are. Thank you for giving me the words through this message and even though it may be small, I pray it reaches someone and brings them closer to you Lord. Continue to be with me Lord and use me in any way you see fit. Amen!

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