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Our ministry will not always 'feel' like the appearance of a rainbow, all sunshine and colorful colors, beauty that meets the eye.

One thing to keep in mind, just like the rainbow has more meaning behind the beautiful sight of it, it holds a promise, it holds a purpose, and before it shines beautiful and bright, storms have appeared. The rainbow appears after the storm, when the sun shines through. Sometimes, we even get a glimpse of the rainbow during a storm.

Just like when trials hit, sometimes it is hard to remember the beautiful parts that come after. And also, just like the rainbow sometimes shines through during the storm, we too should always remember the promises that this too shall pass and as long as we keep the hand of the Father held tight, we will be just fine. Weather the storm sisters, keep your eyes on the faithful promises of our Father. Do not lose sight of the beautiful and bright appearance of what comes after the storms.

May we never forget the promises of our faithful Father.

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