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BUT God!

The enemy will always put himself up front and center, or close to it. He will always try to overthrow and destroy, stealing your life and belongings, right before your eyes.

He will begin through legal rights you’ve given him, little by little, through emotions, thoughts, then actions; to idols and wealth, to pride and arrogance, to lust and persuasion. The enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.

Keep in mind, God is here to bring life, encourage love, abundance of joy, and graceful forgiveness. He’s tried to teach us and show us once, and even many times after that. We got too caught up in the emotions and thoughts that came knocking. Those are only set in place to try and knock you down. The enemy sends them forth in the efforts to get us to act in ways that are not of God. This allows the enemy territory within our minds and hearts. (BUT God can and will dismantle the enemy. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, given through the Lord, there IS power to cast the enemy out!)

Please know, there is power in the name of Jesus Christ! Evil may try to mock it, but keep in mind, why does a bully mock? It is because deep down, they are afraid (spirit of fear and comparison), they are lost (spirit of deception and confusion), they are angry (spirit of anger and rage), and/or they are vengeful (spirit of malice and war). So do not grow weary when some don’t understand and mock you, or even persecute you. Jesus, too, dealt with it. Be FREE in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, AMEN.

Do not be deceived by Satan. Satan has NO power over Jesus Christ and he hates it. Keep your focus on the cross! Let the Lord’s love overwhelm you!! He will carry you through! Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords! Continuously request for the Lord to fill you with his mercy  and forgiveness. Seek forgiveness for ever falling deceptive and pray for discernment and wisdom. For it is written, ask wholeheartedly, seek wholeheartedly, and ye shall receive. God loves us and delights in being who He says He is. Let him. ALWAYS plead for the Lord to examine your hearts to the fullest and to seek out every inch of your body and soul, so that you are not found impure before the Lord. His mending and correction molds us and prepares us for what is to come. God knows EXACTLY what He is doing and it’s fine time His children get that through their heads!

Reflect and dig deeper with Romans 8:5-7; Daniel 2:44; Daniel  3:29; Daniel 6:26-27; Daniel 11:32-35; Daniel 4:34; Psalm 99:1-3; Acts 4:23-26.

While praying and reflecting on dealing with the persecution that is to come, as the enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy, the Lord reminded me, 

“Those who have ears to hear, will hear. Worry not about if it's understood or not, because even if it is not now, they are my children, they will, in My time, receive it, dear one.” 

Thank you Lord! Thank you for reminding me that you hold the key and that there’s nothing I can do to mess up your plan! Father, do not let me delay your plans with stubbornness or by the attempts of the enemy. Protect me Father as I fight the good fight. Amen.

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