NEVER forget who the TRUE enemy is!!! Arm yourself with the Armor of God. Study the word of God and learn how to rage against the enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the power of the Lord lead you through His teachings and what HE tells you! Keep in mind, this world filled with sin and corruption from Satan himself. BUT he has no victory. He only leads people astray. BUT with the power of God and leading through the Holy Spirit, God rages war for His children! ❤️🎯🙏
Dig deep: Ephesians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Kings, Daniel, Jude, Revelation, Galatians, Isaiah, Ezekiel ⚔️🛡🗣🔥❤️🙌
🙌🔥 casting judgment without proper knowledge is only you yourself being deceived. Shoot, that very judgment could be what cast the enemy on that person in the first place. Make sure you know what your words, actions, and decisions affect. You create generational curses, curses in general, legal rights, and so much more on people, and even yourself. Stop being deceived. Satan is the real enemy!
By the way, don’t get the judgment comment twisted. What I am referring to is allowing our mind to come up with illogical assumptions based off of no reason or validation behind the assumption. Don’t twist or manipulate, nor let Satan twist and manipulate your thought processes! Pray for discernment, wholeheartedly 🙏🙌
Glory To God!! 🙌🥰❤️ Beautiful!!! God takes what the enemy meant for evil AND ALWAYS turns it for good!!! 🙌🙌 THIS is why we share!! THIS is why!!!
Exposing the enemy!! (Even when he can’t stand it and will try anything to stop it!)
Praise you Jesus!! We exalt you above all! All glory be to you King of Kings, Lord of Lords 🙌🥰 #dismantlingtheenemy 🔥