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Children of God..

History is continuously repeating itself due to so much sin. 

Sadly, sin is labeled as fun and excited, when that is a lie from the pits of hell. It’s a delusion given way over to the sinful actions and desires of the heart (which are mislead). 

Children of God, do NOT let your hearts and minds be mixed in with this world. Do not be double minded! 

Watch out for the enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy! 

But take hold, our Heavenly Father comes so that we may have life, and live it more abundantly! Don’t get trapped into this worldly demise. Do not get caught up in the daunting temptations of complaining and becoming bitter. Do not let yourself be taken hold by entitlement and malicious acts. 

Take hold with the Lord! Be on guard! Pray! The Lord is near, all you need to do is seek Him out wholeheartedly and seek HIS will. 

Let pride go and see HE does know but the spirit of pride blocks us from seeing that clearly and with its truest intentions! 

Break free! 🙏 BE FREE 🙌❤️🙏

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